The POWER To Change Things!

Are you ready? It’s time! Time to finish what we started. Time to ensure the students and Public Education are given the respect that they deserve. Yes it’s time to stand and represent what’s good in Oklahoma. We have the power to change the future! A future much different than the present and recent past. Why?

The past 7 years of legislative failures have taken a devastating tole on all of #oklaed and other public agencies. The leadership of the red arrow was at the helm. Driving us into a dark place.

This didn’t happen overnight. No, as a matter of fact it happened over a period of time of continuos erosion. Erosion that started with a stream of ideology that was not only self serving for those in power but it slowly stripped away the supporting structures of our state and Public Education. Was that their intent….by their hand they started the trickle that would later turn into a stream of events that would bring devastating disasters. 

One disaster (revenue failure) after another! Why? Because they wanted to! Yes….they wanted to! But, it came at a cost. You see they lacked the wisdom to understand what would happen if it all went south. The cuts, tax incentives and the natural cycle of oil prices finally said….gotcha! 

Problem is…it hurt the innocent. Some were laid off, health care facilities closed and cuts to support structures for all agencies across Oklahoma. They did it! Do not forget it! However their are some in their ranks who support wisdom and stand up for Public Education and it’s students. Agents we support those who do so and stand against all who go along with the ideologies that brought us to this point. Like the picture above they have cut us deep! It’s time to stop the bleeding and the continuous eroding away of Public Education funding and this great states supporting structures. We must take back what has been lost. Agents we have the power to change things. 

We must get the message out to everyone that will listen. That message must be…wise leaders look at the big picture and look after everyone by making wise decisions that in turn will benefit all, not just the privileged! Together Agents we can stand at the top!

Stand with us! Do not relent. Take charge of you destiny and help secure the future of the young. To many have suffered at the hands of a few. Let’s stop the eroding away of our states finances and start accending to the top where we belong! It’s out there….can you see it? We have a little ways to go and a lot of work to do in order to climb to the top, but United As ONE we can do all that is necessary! Walk with us…..

Its a journey worth the effort. Together we can move mountains! 

The Time Draws Near!

In just a little more than one month away our time of reckoning comes to pass. We have fought for and stood our ground for every student, teacher administrator and district in #oklaed. Your gallant efforts have paid off time and time again over the past 10 months. Heads have turned back in the direction of the districts and most of all our students and teachers. Respect has once again started to smile at what #oklaed has, is and will continue to be…..and that Agents is….. GREATNESS! You are all awesome and someone I am proud to call friends. You fight like lions, because you are!

You have stood together with pride….honor….ferociousness when needed but most of all you have been wise!

Your integrity coupled with the passion of  thousands of hearts beating as one for our students is powerful. Agents that’s why Rick aka Agent Truth Teller or by the name that once provided a mystery to who it might be behind Okeducationtruths did what he needed to do. He still continues to do it today but without the veil. That night of the unveiling was a memorable night for everyone. I know it was for me. That was the night MARVELS was born. It’s been almost a year now since Marvel’s first tweet and December was the first blog post. SUITED UP! IT WAS TIME! Needless to say Okeducationtruths, Edgeblogger, Bluecerealeducation and the first Lady Claudia Swisher along with so many more showed me the way! And with that I say a big THANK YOU! 

I found the #oklaed family that has been spectacular! You are all awesome and tenacious when it comes to defending your calling. And DEFEND we must! I do not need to list all the DAMAGE  or all the AGENDAS that still loom on the horizon but I must remind all of us…NOVEMBER is crucial. We’ve rested but now it’s time to ramp back up. I know you will be ready.

About three weeks ago I signed up for this coming Sundays #oklaed chat. I alluded earlier to the unmasking party of okeducationtruths and how that gave birth to MARVELS Agents of Education. So Agents, at this Sundays chat you will need to be wearing your suit (avatar). Hero or villian, it’s your night! For the #oklaed cause! The topic specifics will come later this week but a small taste is in order. It will center around #oklaed yesterday, today and tomorrow. Hint….what do you want your #oklaed’s Tomorrow to look like and what are you going to do about it? But first we must take care of the Present by looking at Yesterday! So think about days past and how that has shaped today and if it’s our tomorrow! Tell all the Agents within twitter – shot to tune in. Because together we are United As ONE! See you Sunday.

The reasons are still there!

Marvels Agents Of Ed

Can you see them? Look close…peer into the darkness. The reasons are still there. What once was, still is to this day. Reasons for liberty, justice and pursuit of happiness. Reason to why you give everything you have to educate the young so that they can move forward in and have the best chance for success in life. Those reasons will always be there. Agents you took an oath when you started the journey of influence over the young minds of yesterday, today and tomorrow. You are duty bound to fulfill your destiny. Destiny….yes, we are destined to instill the tools needed to achieve greatness! Your destiny….that is so intertwined with the students you teach and so vitally important that we must ensure it can be fulfilled to fullest. Agents you have been ignored in the past to the point our students and schools are starting to suffer. It’s time…

View original post 904 more words

The reasons are still there!

Can you see them? Look close…peer into the darkness. The reasons are still there. What once was, still is to this day. Reasons for liberty, justice and pursuit of happiness. Reason to why you give everything you have to educate the young so that they can move forward in and have the best chance for success in life. Those reasons will always be there. Agents you took an oath when you started the journey of influence over the young minds of yesterday, today and tomorrow. You are duty bound to fulfill your destiny. Destiny….yes, we are destined to instill the tools needed to achieve greatness! Your destiny….that is so intertwined with the students you teach and so vitally important that we must ensure it can be fulfilled to fullest. Agents you have been ignored in the past to the point our students and schools are starting to suffer. It’s time for it to stop! Change is on the horizon if we maintain our focus! Change… is on the horizon even if we don’t do anything, however it won’t be for our students benefit. You see, change is coming one way or another, that I assure you. They want to give our students education away in the name of a select multitude attending Private or Home School choices. We all know this will strip finances away from a riddled school budget. They want to continue to lower taxes stripping finances away from a already crippled state. They want some of you….to just go away! Hard truth, yes, but truth all the same. I say NO! We will not let this happen. We have an opportunity to help make change happen. The time is now. Will all the changes happen that we want to see? No, of course not, but we must begin the process of much needed changes to be made now in order to build upon them later. We must continue the great start we have and continue it throughout the runoffs and then into November. Ahhh yes, November elections. The BIG one! President time….I really don’t know about you….wait I take that back I do know how some of you feel about this or that canidate 🙂 but I’m not to overwhelmingly impressed with either person. There is enough baggage and garbage on both sides to keep a TSA agent busy for a year just sorting thru it. Wisdom is needed here.

I spent the entire span of last week with the BIG GUY taking in some of this great nation’s beauty and wonder….and wonder I did. I wondered about several issues and how or if they ever could be remedied. It was at one of my first stops after two days of transporting that I came to what I call “The Reason’s” I was at my destination during the late evening time and this mountain stood before me…seen in the picture above. I was captivated by the object that was before me. It’s enormity in conjunction with the shadows and blue dusky sky was….well inspiring. I knew right away I had to take a picture. This moment for me had to be preserved so that I may draw upon it whenever needed. Even though I had no clue why I was taking not one but 11 pictures of this dark mass in front of me I knew it held great importance for not only me but for everyone in the entire modern world and yes I said world and  #oklaed in particular.

 I was told there would be an event within 20 minutes at our location that would shed light on why I was here. I can not tell you the anticipation I felt as the minutes clicked by.  I was…well….overwhelmed! What lay out there in the distance was everything i needed and what America hinged on. The reasons we fight for out students schools and teachers rest out there. The reasons we vote and stay active politically are reflections from the huge mass that I axiously awaited to show its self. You could feel it’s presence and it’s beckoning for justice through the system in which it was a part of today. I could feel it staring at me as if to ask….what are you going to do Agent? You have the power….it’s been given to you and everyone else in #oklaed.  Change it! Do what’s needed..stand up for the young…uphold the core principles of your trade because you are worthy! That’s what I heard. It kept saying it over and over as I stood there. I wanted to start typing but I didn’t want to look away for one second. I would continue to stare until the mountain faded and darkness took its place. And so it happened not the big finally mind you but something else. In the darkness I saw what might be if we didn’t do our part to fix things. I saw darkness! It was cold and there was no light and I didn’t like it.

 So I held my telecommunications device up to represent hope if only until more light came. I can not explain it in any other way but this……more light CAME! There it was….the beckoning of Wisdom! The call to every Agent to STAND! Stand up for the young, stand for the teachers and stand up for Public Education. By doing so you will in turn be standing up for all of humanity! After all a well educated child has a far better chance of being a contributing and successful individual to a world that is in much need of wisdom coupled with compassion. Agents we must do our part. In the runoffs and general let’s stand together for eachother. Please vote for change in our state and keep your ears open so you can make a wise choice for President. Our kids deserve it! And remember “We Are United As ONE! Those represented in the picture below faced overwhelming odds in their days. Opposition was strong and it took every ounce of their being to see progress and justice done. They set before us today to remind us that we are hear to ensure the present and future for the young is one that is worthy and one that we can be proud of. Stand strong Agents and never give up!



In just two days we decide! Remember why….it’s worth it! You are strong. Unite together and stand tall!

AUGUST 23rd is in six days! We must remember why and how we got here. Those who put you in this position blame you and sadly blame the students for being poor and not being smart enough. Maybe they have not used those words but their actions speak volumes. AGENTS we must take back what is our kids’ before the result is utter devastion. We must work hard to get those who are pro public education into office on August 23rd. WE MUST! FIGHT LIKE YOU NEVER HAVE! STAND STRONG by STANDING TOGETHER and UNITED AS ONE!

Below are some things to help us to REMEMBER.

UDATED! In recent statements Doerflinger and Speaker Hickman pointed their fingers like children on the playground in the direction of State Superintendent Hoffmeister! Claiming that she doesn’t grasp the finacial aspects of the job she holds. REALLY? I can name many areas of finance and leading this State where both men have been inadequate to say the least. Doerflinger points out that the 1017 fund oversight was the States Superintendents oversight….Whose office does those numbers go through, who certifies those numbers, who declares those numbers and relays them to the masses????? OMES! Your office Secretary of Finance….You do and you did! Oh but wait….here I come to save the day….OMES found it at just the right time! If it wasn’t so ridiculous it would be laughable. You are incompetent sir and you need to resign! Speaker Hickman… make excuses for the text book ban or zero account. You said the State Superintendent told you toooo. It’s just not our fault that darn oil. Once again…the attitude is this…we are legislators and we know what is best. And how dare you come out and tell the truth it makes us look bad 😦 Suck it up and take your medicine Speaker! Let me see if I can recall some…just a few of your BAD decisions that have strangled Oklahoma’s revenue! 1) Tax cut #1. 2)The TRIGGER! 3) Tax cut #2 I won’t talk about tax incentives (Billions) record oil years and NO teacher pay raises! Of but wait some got raises (Doerflinger) and the top 1% of income earners in Oklahoma! Their average income of $930,000/year. They make 20% of all income in the State! We have set a State record for all time in this area…All Time! When did this start happening….8 years ago! Coincidence???? Tax cuts, triggers, incentives, tax cuts. How’s the teacher payraises coming….oh wait, never mind. To busy running OUR State into the ground while padding the pockets of that 1%. You want help…..ask…it’s here. But I really don’t see that happening anytime soon…not really to any credible degree. It’s not in your DNA! It’s time we take back that wich belongs to the children! You can not and will not put them first. So we must and we will.

AGENTS our time is the present! Get out and work for the cause, for the children, for the Pro Public Education canidates! No more cuts, triggers, esa’s, consolidation and I’ll placed tax incentives! AGENTS we must stand! It’s TIME!!!!

Below is my original post a few months ago:

Did you see it?  There it was.  It didn’t take long. Actually it was a little faster than I had expected, but if I was one of the minds that contributed to this mess that we are in I might have acted quickly as well. I saw it.  I saw the tell tale signs of what is to come.  I should say…..what less than truth (I must be honest, what LIES) we will be fed.  But first a recap.  Rep. Hickman, Senator Jolley and finance secretary Preston Doerflinger addressed the public with their take on just how we got here (oil! yes, yes lets blame them) and that schools are not really doing as bad as we think. Actually the jest was that we are better off now than we ever have been and it is our faults that out teachers haven’t got a much needed raise. “See Below”

“School districts have more money to spend than they ever have,” Hickman said, when asked about school funding.

“Our concern is if we’re spending more money than we ever have, why is that not getting into teacher salaries?” Hickman said. “In large part, those dollars haven’t gotten to where they needed to go.”

Ok, now did you see it???? Not only are we to “Blame” for not spending the over abundance of money that our districts have wisely……but “Shame” on us for not passing it down to our teachers.  Right……the truth is the teachers and students are not a priority for you!

The Senator Jolley (I got your back dude) echoes the words of Rep Hickman.

“On average, no question, every school district in Oklahoma has more money than it’s ever had,” Jolley said. “Their argument is that they also have more students than they’ve ever had. Ironically, the chart that shows that Oklahoma leads the nation in cuts to spending does not include… a lot of dollars that are directly flowing to education. And that report is flawed and is not comparing apples to apples.”

Really…apples to apples?  These Rose colored glasses…..that I’m looking through….don’t show me the beauty…  Sorry okeducationtruths I know I was dabbling in your area but I couldn’t help it.  I will not dawn those glasses.  We will see it for what it is!  You speak of accountability…I say great, lets be accountable.
Just this past week a 3% cut was announced. This did not have to happen….nor should it have. We have put together some ways to generate revenue that we are currently sharing with them. We will see if they will Listen….
Its time! United As ONE!

The Foundation


The time is at hand! August 23rd has come and gone. We have several Agents moving on but they need our help! We must not relent. This Novembers election can change history. Agents your comittment to #oklaed and it’s children has been noticed all across this great Nation. The legislators know it, the media knows it and yes even HYDRA fears the possibilities! I have all the faith in you and will continue to fight alongside of you until it’s finished. See it through with me and let’s get OUR Agents of Education elected into office and take BACK ,that which belongs to the young. By doing so all of Oklahoma will benefit and this State will be one that can say I support all. Below is a blog I posted months ago that stresses what Public Education means to all of humanity and what it might become if ALEC (HYDRA) and their confidante ‘ get their way! 

The Wise Man Built His House Upon A Rock! And the rains came tumbling  down. As the floods came up, the Wise Man’s house stood firm! A firm foundation  (cornerstone ) is the base or ground zero in which  everything  is supported. It should  be solid, bonded together with suitable materials  and cared for as time passes. The Foundation itself is the supporting  structure for everything we know today. Just look around. From fortune 500 companies to our incarceration population it all starts with the Foundation at some point. Now…there are variables at times that come into play no matter the Foundation that can change the outcome. However, the Foundation didn’t fail in those cases. Most likely it was one’s  choice to walk on shaky ground that caused their crumbling.
     As the picture above illustrates Education  is the foundation and the cornerstone in which everything is built upon. It ties everything  together. No government or businesses survive very long without it. On this foundation integrity and good citizenship are taught (built) as they are necessary for society to advance in meaningful ways. America was built upon this foundation. As the United States began to grow education  became ever so fundamentally important. Business  leaders began to see that a well educated public was key to a successful  business. Schools were built every 10 miles because it was important for every child to be able to attend a school. Needless to say education was a priority! As time passed on into the present day, education is still as important but the very businesses that benefited from a well educated society  saw education as a business  opportunity. Yes the reason to educate changed from building  the future to profiting off the those being educated. Instead of educating for the good of the individual some are trying to educate for the good of their wallet.
     ALEC and groups of simular cults believe their way is the best way. They care little about student success but rather success for the elite. Arm chair educators at best looking  to score on the backs of children. Public Education is the Foundation and is the Cornerstone of America. We have several legislators who are beholding to ALEC and others. ESA’s/vouchers and consolidation mongers. Wisdom must be used! Revenue failures will continue under this ideology. Our teachers  and staff are important and we should respect them and not pass bills that slap them in the face. Public Education is great! Improvements can be made here and there But those improvements take resources.  We owe it to the student’s of yesterday, today and tomorrow to ensure that the “Foundation” is solid. Because the Foolish Man built his house upon the sand. Then the rains came down…and as the floods came up, the foolish man’s house went……SPLAT!
On June 28th the primary election was held. Several of our Agents made it to the Runoff in August or to the General election in November. They have suited up! Now is the time. They need our support! Some still toute ESA’S and consolidation. Some legislators stands firm in this ideology. It is unwise to allow this way of thinking to keep its foot hold in #oklaed. Agents we must stand! You all have your specialties…use them! We must win back #oklaed for the children! They look up to us and they depend upon us! Wisdom is needed! We Are United As ONE!

Win Wind! “WMD” Riding on the Wind!


A  progressive roll in on marginal wells was jointly introduced by the Speaker of the House and the Pro-Temp of the Senate.  It is a good start to reclaiming some of the revenue lost on marginal wells.  The State should see in the neighborhood of $160 million of added revenue.  We need to go deeper with the rollback/roll-in of tax incentives/credits but for the time this is about as good as we are going to get on the oil side.  HOWEVER, We must look closer at wind.  Although the tax structure is somewhat different we can still roll-in partial taxes outlined below. It is a win wind 😉 situation for everyone! Year #1 25%, #2 10%, year 3 10%, and year 4 5%.  This brings the total paid at year for to just 50% of the taxes the wind companies would have or should have paid. Starting on year 5 the tax structure goes back to 25% and and so on and so on.  It will work and it is honorable.  Legislators, as you read this know that I understand the business side and no one likes to pay in more and in this case very little at all, but………it is their duty to pull some wait.  As much as businesses may talk about all the jobs they create and revenue they may generate for communities, the truth is….they are making money and this industry should carry its portion of the weight. Besides they are actually receiving millions in refunds while the pay zero in. My plan is simple and will work.  Millions are there and our State needs it.  Step up and be bold and take care of those who can not take care of themselves when it comes to these matters. It will work!!!!!!!! And thank you for looking for the WMD and finding as you did with marginal wells.


Originally post was at the beginning of this year:
We have seen multiple revenue failures since this was originally posted. The one cent sales tax will go before the people and a few bills dealing with easing the restrictions how school $$ may be spent. Other than that, talk is about it. Stopping some tax credits has been teased but nothing sound has surfaced that will make a significant difference. Gimmick ideals such as the smokers tax have been put forth and bonds that borrow against other state monies….and of course they will be paid back with interest. In essence all these things do is borrow time while getting upside down and no closer to solving the problem. It’s time to start making wise decisions and realizing that some ideologies need to be shelved and new ideals put into place. I still believe in a progressive but fair roll back on tax credit/incentive programs. I have outlined this somewhat below in item 2 . It will work. It may need tweaked here or their, but it is fair and non aggressive towards any company. At the end of year 4 the company’s start back over at 25% of what their taxes would be and move towards 50% in year 4. Simply start over again. This will generate more than $1 Billion a year. The majority of corporate businesses will see the value. It’s not easy to change but change we must. Below is the original post.

Revenue Failure is the new dirty word that we are all talking about. But for some it seems an opportunity… Those of us that know better are thinking, for who? Oh yes yes yes, its an opportunity for those in education to contemplate how they (we) are going to continue to give our students the best we have. We will teach, serve hot meals, transport and meet many other needs they have not because we have more revenue than ever “legislators” but because we took an “OATH”… Did you???
Now back to that opportunity you talked about… Admitting one has messed up is hard at times and I understand that ideology on the surface is a very intriguing thing. However, wisdom must trump ideology when the facts are presented as they were many times in the past that support taking a different path. So here are 4 ways to get back to a positive side of the revenue. ..
1. Do not allow tax cut to inniate.
2. Start progressive rollbacks on tax credits/incentives. Example: tax at yr1- 25%, yr2-10%, yr3-10%, yr4- 5% bring rollback tax to 50%. On horizontal drilling it would be $200 million/year. Not to pick on the oil producers at all (I was in the business) their are many more millions in other industries as well. I just use oil because our legislators put all their (ours) eggs in one barrel.
3- Allow school districts to use State controlled monies to be used as needed with no strings. This will allow the districts to utilize the monies to best support their students.
4- PASS the 1 cent sales tax. We need it. Our students need it!
If all these things were put into play overtime Oklahoma could see over 1 Billion in revenue per year more than is projected to date given our current circumstances.
It wont be easy. There will be every excuse in the book used. Some business may even say they will leave….but they wont. Oklahoma has been good to corporations and we will always treat them as a partner. We just need them to help carry more of the load than they have. Well, actually the same load the rest of us have carried. When its all said and done the State will be better equipped when down turns happen in the economy.
From where I sit barring any situation to drive (spike) oil prices back up, oil will continue to stay down if not creep a little lower. It will start rising due to a trade agreement the President signed a few days ago but should be a slower and much more stable growth. But who knows the good legislator says we are only one war away from prosperity! I hope that is not how we get there, sir…
So our part…spread the message that we seek accountability. We expect them to fix it the right way. Tweet & retweet, post on facebook, call your legislators or go see them in person. Feel free to post my Blog Post on your Facebook. I do not utilize that realm at this time. Anyway to get engaged! That IS who we are! United as ONE! Engaged on behalf of those who look up to US!

Stiff Necks&Cruel Intentions


“UPDATE” #2 coming soon!

4 months ago this was the sequel to my blog post “Wisdom Put On Hold.” We saw the writing on the wall that their were those in certain positions that had a agenda. It was an agenda of their making! No matter the cost (as long as it wasn’t theirs) they would move full speed ahead just like they had for the past several years. Seeing this unfold during this time….Agents of Education across this State decided that the unwise decisions of a few could not and would not continue without the Light of Education being shown on the Stiff Necks and cruel intentions of those in charge. No more passes and no more darkness. The students, teachers, districts and the people of Oklahoma deserve better!
Below is the earlier blog:

In an earlier blog titled “wisdom put on hold” I wrote about a meeting(s) I had with several legislators during a time frame that span 5-7 years about the very thing we are facing now. As a matter of fact their are agents still among us that were part of those
meetings. In many of those meetings we urged the legislators to not reduce taxes and to take a long hard look at the tax incentives. A few of us who had been in the business awhile knew that legislators reliance on oil as the revenue generator was a high risk investment.  That investment is of course our students, roads, prisons and many other State funded entities.  We also knew that it was only a matter of time. We tried to tell them to find other ways to invest in the states economy. But they just wouldn’t listen. When we realized that they weren’t going to budge in their ideaology. One of the last things we said to them was don’t come to us years from now and want to consolidate schools and cut budgets saying the economy left us no choice. The truth is, you did have a choice! Year after year while the oil prices were up you found reasons to not fund pay raises or fund education back anywhere near 2008. No you made excuses! As late as last year,meaning 3 months ago you were urged to put a hold on the tax cut that cost nearly $150M. You see, I believe it was your plan from the start! Starve those schools out! Cut the number of districts while putting money in your friends pockets.  Conspiracy theory….. more like conspiracy fact to me. Add ESA’s to the drainage and you get more devastation.  But wait!  Not all legislators and I will say most dont feel the way a few, do. They just were not given the proper time to review the legislation before voting. That needs to change. When in doubt vote NO! Myself along with other Agents of Education are willing to help where we can. Please except that help. One way or another we are all in this together. Our students deserve the best we can give not the watered down version of education.  Stop the ESA’s. Its a nail in the coffin for many. Forget about consolidation and trust the experts to educate. We want to trust you….. so let us! We are United As ONE! Things can happen when the Agents of Education come calling…